Custom Stationery - WWOOF
When M and I started to plan Our First Retirement in early 2013, we only knew two things for sure: we were going to Costa Rica, and we wanted to WWOOF.
I don't remember how I first heard about it, but WWOOF stands for Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms and is a way to travel inexpensively if you're willing to trade some volunteer farm labor for a place to sleep at night and healthy, organic, hearty food to fuel your adventures. It's also a great way to get back in touch with nature (quite literally) and reacquaint yourself with the natural rhythms of life while contributing to a farm who greatly benefits from your time and talents - bonus points for everyone if it's in an exotic locale where you can enjoy local life and culture on your days off.
While M and I were on the farm in Ciudad Colon, CR (more about our experience, here) we learned all kinds of things about all kinds of things, including the fact that pineapples grow IN THE GROUND.
If you'd dangled one million dollars in front of my face and said, "The money is yours if you can tell me how pineapples grow!" I'd have been like, "OH ON TREES ON TREES GIVE ME THAT."
Nope! In. The. Ground. I'd only lived in NYC for 3 years and hadn't come around to accepting that I was a "city girl" but, here we were.
So I did what any millenial would do in this situation and Instagrammed my discovery.
The WWOOF USA official Instagram account reposted my picture and started to follow me, including when I got back here to the states, moved to Austin, and started this crazy lettering business.
Long story a little big shorter, their program manager got in touch with me to design their stationery to use as thank you notes at their office!
We've been working on this for longer than I'd like to admit, but finally finally I was able to find a printer and get the design + production just right.
I think they turned out nicely, and most importantly, WWOOF USA was happy with them when the box arrived in the mail at their offices yesterday.
So let the floodgates open for custom stationery orders!